Tip: To hide and show layout grids, press ⌃ L on your keyboard.

When you have a layout grid set up, layers will snap to it and ignore the Mac app’s Smart Guides. You can edit the layout options for multiple Artboards at the same time. You can only apply grids to Artboards, or to the Canvas if there aren’t any Artboards on it. To set up a layout grid, choose View > Canvas > Layout Settings… or press ⌃ ⌘ L and use the options that appear to choose the number of columns and rows, their widths, gutter widths and colors. Tip: To hide and show regular grids, press ⌃ G on your keyboard Layout grids To change its settings (the size of the cells, how often thicker lines appear and the color of the lines), choose View > Canvas > Grid Settings… or press ⌃ ⌘ G. To set up a square grid, choose View > Canvas > Show Grid or press ⌃ G. You can view both at the same time if you need to. The Mac app supports two types of grid a regular (square grid) and a layout grid. To remove all of your guides together, Control-Click one of the rulers and select Remove All Vertical Guides or Remove All Horizontal Guides, respectively. To remove horizontal guides, drag them to the top or bottom of the current window. To remove a vertical guide completely, drag it right towards the Layer List or Inspector until your cursor changes and the guide disappears. You can move a guide by clicking and dragging on it inside a ruler. Guides will be visible when your rulers are and if you move a layer on your Canvas it will snap to the nearest guide. You can click anywhere on a ruler to create a guide. To reset your rulers’ origins, choose View > Canvas > Reset Ruler Origin or Control-click on the rules and choose the same option from the context menu.Ĭlicking the lock icon will stop any accidental ruler movements. To lock them in place, click the lock icon in the corner. You can click and drag on your rulers to set their zero origin anywhere you like on the canvas. The Mac app hides rulers by default, but you can show them by selecting View > Canvas > Show Rulers or pressing ⌃ R. Select View > Canvas > Show Pixel Grid on Zoom, or press ⌃ X, to see any edges of your layers that don’t align with the Pixel Grid once you zoom in past 600%.Īn image showing the pixel grid in the Mac app (v90 July 2022) How to use Rulers If you’re working on a design where it’s important to be able to see individual pixels, select View > Canvas > Show Pixels on Zoom or press ⌃ P to enable Pixel Zoom and view individual pixels when you zoom in past 100%. The Mac app measures layers in points - where one point is equal to one pixel on the Canvas - and when you export, you can scale things to different resolutions. It’s resolution independent and you can zoom infinitely to work at any level of detail.

By default, you’ll view the Canvas in vector mode.